Conclusion of the Case Study

A Successful Learner

This case study allowed me to reflect and think deeply about several factors affecting a struggling ESL student.  It gave me the opportunity to gain valuable insights and positive experiences while conducting research-based interventions and diverse types of activities that enhance the academic performance and literacy improvement of a student.  I felt strongly that my tutee benefited from the instructional assistance and support provided for her in an individualized setting, in just a short period of time.  It is my belief that I have instilled a sense of achievement and success to this young learner.  Below is a poem that summarizes the outcome of this case study, of my amazing journey with a child......
Making a Difference

An old man walked up a shore littered with
Thousands of starfish, beached and dying
after a storm.  A young man was picking them up
and flinging them back to the ocean.
"Why do you bother?" the old man scoffed.
"You're not saving enough to make a difference."
The young man picked up another starfish
and sent it back spinning in the water.
"Made a difference to that one," he said.

You make a difference, everyday.

This poem was given by our school principal as a gift for
Teacher Appreciation Week.